Painter 2021. Accelerate your art.
Create your signature style with Painter®. Sketch, paint, illustrate and make unparalleled photo-art with hundreds of realistic brushes, exclusive media, and an array of artistic tools. Painter 2021 is as diverse as your imagination.
- Create
Paint from a blank canvas or create amazing photo art.
- Customize
Create your own brushes, textures, patterns, palettes and so much more.
- Extend
Enhance your paintings with outrageously creative brush packs.
Everything you need in your professional digital art software
- Over 900 Brushes
- Craft your masterpiece with stunning reality using renowned dry, wet, and blending media.
Experience brushes with greatness!
From traditional paint brushes to those found only in the digital world of Painter, we’ve got your canvas covered with every brush and media type possible.
- Windows 10* (64-Bit), with the latest updates
- Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor
- 4 physical cores/8 logical cores or higher (recommended)
- AVX2 instruction set support (recommended)
- Modern GPU with OpenCL (1.2 or higher) compatibility (recommended)
- 4 GB RAM
- 8 GB RAM or higher (recommended)
- 2.4 GB hard disk space for application files**
- Solid-state drive (recommended)
- 1280 x 800 @ 100% (or higher) screen resolution
- 1920 x 1200 @ 150% (or higher) (recommended)
- Mouse or Wintab-compatible tablet
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher, with the latest updates
- To activate your product, you must connect to the Internet and register it first
Contact us for more information.